Sunday, December 13, 2009

Terminator 2: Judgment Day…What if ?

Today I was watching Terminator 2, I love that movie. Arnold is pretty badass in that one, that may be his most badass movie of all time (not including Kindergarten Cop of course). Running around in that sweet leather jacket on a motorcycle, blasting people away. Don’t you just love Hollywood? Everything seems to work out perfectly.

So it got me thinking. At the start of the film Arnold arrives naked and needs to get himself some clothes. Just by coincidence he happens to be near a biker bar with all kinds of dudes wearing leather jackets, biker pants and cool shades. He kicks all their asses (sweet) and gets some badass threads. So, by that logic it's only coincidental that Arnold looks pretty cool in that movie.

With that logic in mind....what if Arnold just happened to get zapped back near a geeky computer club’s weekly meeting, packed with nerds? He would have walked in, mid conversation about Microsoft, and just started ruthlessly beating geeks up and stealing their clothes. Poor nerds would have no idea what was going on. Arnold would have been decked out in full nerd attire, not knowing the better.

Now close your eyes and picture the classic action sequences from that film, only Arnold looks something like this…

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