Friday, December 18, 2009

A Festivus For the Rest of Us

There are many great aspects to Seinfeld; one aspect that stands out is the classic line up of side characters…Frank Costanza being one of the best. When an episode revolved around Frank you knew it was going to be hysterically funny. From lawyers wearing capes, selling computers out of his garage or creating a holiday that incorporates decorating your house with an aluminum pole... he always has some asinine scheme up his sleeve.

Sticking with out holiday theme, the Festivus episode is a series classic. Festivus was first introduced in the episode "The Strike" (Season 9 Episode 166). The episode first aired on December 18th, 1997.

Frank Costanza created the holiday of Festivus. In the Seinfeld universe, Festivus is celebrated on December 23rd and includes practices such as the "Airing of Grievances” and the "Feats of Strength". The purpose of the holiday is to escape the commercial and religious aspects of the Christmas season, as explained by Frank Himself. Festivus is now regarded as a high holy day.

The "Airing of Grievances" segment of the celebration is a sacred and holy practice for the followers of the holiday. This occurs during the Festivus meal in which each person goes around the table and tells everyone else all the ways they have disappointed them during the year. After the meal the family gathers 'round the fireplace for the "Feats of Strength". This involves each member of the family attempting to wrestle the head of the family (usually the father) and pinning them to the ground. Festivus is a magical holiday that brings smiles to the faces of children everywhere.

Frank's son, George, has continued the tradition and has set up a charitable foundation that seeks to better his fellow man, The Human Fund…money for people. Because we love you here at Trah Film, We have made a generous donation in YOUR name to the Human Fund to help spread the cheer and good fortune this season.

We would like to wish you a Happy Festivus.

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