Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Morgan Freeman Has Crumbs On His Face

Morgan Freeman is a great actor, no doubt. I enjoy his performance as the wise old man he plays in every single movie he has ever been in (Cue Rim Shot, click here and click the red button)

No, but seriously folks…I was watching a movie with Mr. Freeman and I was completely distracted. I don’t even remember the film to be honest…it was some movie where he gives a lot of advise. Sadly, I was hooked on one thing and one thing only.

Why was I so distracted? What was I so focused on…the absurd amount of Oreo cookie crumbs on his face. Jesus, you would think he could take a break from munching on Oreos for one second to clear the crumbs off his face and act in a film free of crumbs, for the love of (Peg Leg) Pete.

I wanted to dig deeper, I knew there was something to learn here. My search had begun for some sort of understanding of this phenomenon. My epic quest was coming up flat until I found and bought the photo to the right.

A prominent paparazzi photographer snapped this candid shot of the actor; we at the Trah Film Blog paid a significant amount for the photo. There are many phony photos floating around out there on the Internet, 100 percent certainty of its legitimacy was required for posting on our site.

We needed photographic proof of the crumb situation. The photo illustrates how Mr. Freeman acquires so many bits on his face. Notice all the crumbs in mid flight… traveling at such a high velocity that they embed themselves into the skin upon re-entry impact.

While the entire world focuses on the Tiger Woods sex scandal, here at Trah Film Blog we are staying focused on the Morgan Freeman cookie crumb scandal…a far more titillating subject if you ask us.

It’s almost as if this is a normal feature on his skin and not crumbled bits of cookies from his afternoon splurge. Thank god these are only cookie crumbs, I would be a real douche for just making fun of little crumb-like specs on his dome piece.

But at the end of the day I am huge fan of Mr. Freeman. Anytime I need advice from a wise old man with cookie crumbs rooted in his skin, I know whom to turn to.

Look at all the crumbs on his face; do you know how many Oreos you have to eat to constantly have crumbs embedded into your skin? A fair amount, we speculate.

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