Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women

If I had to pick one character from cinema to sit down and throw back beers with it would have to be Quint, Captain of the Orca, from Spielberg’s 1975 summer blockbuster, Jaws.

What a classic guy he is. Champion Arm Wrestler, World War II Veteran and Shark Hunter…Quint is a real no nonsense type of guy, he drinks his vodka out of a Styrofoam cup. The best character in the entire film, hands down.

Quint is the type of dude you see at the bar down by the docks holding court with his fellow sailors. You know not to mess with him so you grab a beer, sit quietly and listen to him tell his tales. He is almost like a character from Greek mythology, a traveler of the seas. As he takes a sip he tells about the time he entered an arm wrestling contest at an Okie bar in San Francisco, how he got to the semi finals celebrating his third wife’s demise and a big Chinese fella pulled him right over.

One thing I always noticed about him was the terrible crease he has in his hat. You know what that tells me? That Quint is the real deal badass motherf*cker. I know that because anyone else would feel like a douche walking around with said crease, you have to be pretty secure with your inner illlness to pull that off.

Alas, sadly you can't sit down at a bar with Quint and listen to his stories, damn shark ate him. But you can grab a nice cold one and watch the video below. Enjoy!

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