Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Misfits

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964) and Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town (1970) animated Christmas TV specials are the most kick ass animated Christmas specials ever (Sorry Charlie Brown, you can have Halloween).

One of the things I really love about these films is the Stop Motion Animation, you really don’t see too much of that these days (although Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox was recently released). This animation style brings so much charm to the overall tone of the film. When I was a kid I was captivated by seeing inanimate objects move around on their own. Watching hand drawn animation or even computer animation, which I do love, its not as dazzling as when you see puppets and sets that you know are inert objects made out of plastic and wood…only they move like they are alive.

Arthur Rankin and his production company, Rankin/Bass Productions inc, produced these specials back in the mid 1960’s and 70’s. Their work has been a staple in Christmas entertainment for over 40 years.

There were many classic characters in these movies but one of my favorites from back in the day was Burgermeister Meisterburger, the bad guy from Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town. I always thought that guy was such a douche. But looking back now…he may have been even more of a douche than I realized. Are Burgermeister Meisterburger and his goons Nazis? Look at the still I posted. I don’t know…maybe its just me, but once you get a group of angry Germans marching around in matching shirts…well lets just say things could be inferred…you decide.

A clip from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

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