Monday, January 4, 2010

Epic Moments in Cinema

I love a good old-fashioned epic moment in a film. There are so many out there…like when Mel Gibson (adorned in blue face paint) gives his powerful speech against English tyranny (freeeeedom!) in Braveheart (1995)…. or when Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker “No, I am your father” in 1980’s Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Movies rule, don’t they?

But one epic moment in cinema that always struck a chord with me was the song that the Nerds perform in Revenge of the Nerds (1984) at the end of the film. You really don’t get any more epic than that. What a classic scene. For the 80’s, the music they produce with their electronic gear is state of the art. I still get goose bumps when Booger comes from behind the spotlight and strums the guitar in that sweet Elvis outfit. Does anything say badass more than an electric violin with a gold glitter finish…a real panty dropper.

Many love this film, this scene in particular. I think it’s because we all have a little nerd in us, and we all have had a time in our life when the Alpha Beta’s of the world have pushed us around. I hated Stan Gabel, but Ogre was pretty classic (Who later redeems himself in Nerds Part III when he denounces the Alpha Betas and becomes a Tri Lam).

The Tri Lams are some of the most lovable characters. I think they embody what we all look for in a friend…loyal, fun, supportive etc. The Nerds have each other’s backs, one for all and all for one.

I love the fact that they are all different, misfits in a sense. They didn’t have a home but banded together to battle against the oppressive rule of the entitled jocks. Who doesn’t love a good underdog movie? And when that underdog finally triumphs…well, it’s the recipe for an epic moment. Rooting for the underdog is encoded into our DNA as a living creature; it’s the struggle within all of us to prevail, for life to prevail. If you are against the Nerds, you are against life.

I often day dream about being a student at Adam’s College in 1984… rocking out to Thriller, chilling with Lewis and Gilbert…possibly taking part in that ill performance in one of the yellow suits.

I guess this is as close as we can get.

Trah Bonus Clip: Nerds Party

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